This page lists the videos we have found which might be helpful in showing dances done the DDMM way. They are mostly videos which show DDMM dancing, but we've not got examples of everything, so in some cases we've added links to videos of other sides doing a particular dance.
As you will see, the quality of videos varies reflecting when they were made and who did the filming. We've acknowledged authorship where possible. Clicking a link will take you to external website (usually Youtube or Vimeo) where the video concerned is hosted. Usual privacy / health warnings about external sites apply! A few videos are passsword protected. You'll need to contact us for the password.
A further warning: while we dance as well as we can, occasionally what a videos shows and what we describe in the 'how to' pages may differ. Do ask us if you're not sure.
Bampton Rose tree
Bampton Riggs O Doom
Etc etc