The Sherborne dances DDMM do
- Orange in Bloom*
* But done mainly at Ales rather than danced out
Not done nowadays: Constant Billy, Cuckoo's Nest, Go and Enlist (jig), Monk’s march.
Last updated 21 10 19
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General stuff about Sherborne dances
Sherborne is a majestic Cotswold tradition, physically quite demanding, and, with its 'one hop 2, 3' stepping, a tradition which needs practice and a well-engaged brain. At one time DDMM had 7/8 Sherborne dances in its repertoire - all the common ones and several others. We revived several five years ago, but the tradition has since slipped out of the dance lists.
At that time we prepared a detailed summary Sherborne dances: covering stepping, common and distinctive figures and summarising number of dances. Rather than re-assort that information here, looking at this .pdf Sherborne summary will give a better overview.
The summary gives the pattern and distinctive figures of the main dances, including Orange in Bloom.
The Sherborne tradition includes some showy and challenging jigs. Here's video of an attempt at Go and Enlist.